Every once in a while, Mr. Slug will utilize his insurance card, just to make sure he is getting his moneys worth . Why would anyone want to take a day off of work and waste it on truly being sick? Let's go to Nye Beach!
Never a boring moment! Life is to be savored on the face of a lunch napkin, drawn daily for years by a loving wife for her husband, Mr. Slug. Please visit and comment, the slugs welcome you to join in the fun!
HUH? What? I certainly hope that Mr. Slug is okay? LoL! Thanks Barb for the sweet comment on my blog! I feel the same way-how I wish we lived closer so we could have even more fun! I am off to China town, Seattle-you are NOT going to beleive what I am getting for FREEEEE!!!! I will take photos and of course blog about it later today. So check back -it's the coolest thing ever! I love it when the universe hears me! Okay okay I have to get going-I must be down there by 2:00 pm so I am off to China Town! I am a lucky girl in so many ways-thanks for being my dearest bestest friend in the whole world!!! Love Ya Girl! Tam :)
What is it what is it? OK, I will check your blog. Love Barbara, Ted and Froggy
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