To supply the much needed capital for his new business, (selling the auxiliary brain sponges at the Emporium,) Mr. Slug is now employed with the school district as a transportation technician. Mr. Slug mistakenly thought that the short buses have a top speed of fifty miles an hour, but it turns out that these precision driving machines can move much faster than the bigger buses. These babies have a turbo-charged Detroit Diesel and a souped up dual exhast with all the trimmings! No mamby pamby rigs for this Mr. Slug! Get outta the way! Oh yeah, except for you, Mr. Officer, Sir......I shall watch my speed and weaving in the future. Thank you for the warning. It won't happen again.
LOL.... I love this.
your blog is so creative!
OOPS! I made a tiny spelling mistake and deleted the other comment..I did want to say thanks for visiting me today...I did update "Vintage Lovely Dolls" blog a little more...Your blog gave me my smile for today...Good to meet you Mrs Slug and learn about Mr Slug...your drawing made laugh out loud...I will be back to visit you again...your are a hoot! and all of it is so cute...
from the heart of Texas...
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