Mr. Slug does it again! He has invented a device that could put an end to despair, loneliness and corruption. Even the most hardened slug is no match for this love machine. This baby purrs like a kitten and will rumble an irritable and agitated working slug safely to sleep so he or she will wake up rested and ready for another profitable and productive workday. Why, this cuddlematic machine could be just the thing we need to turn this economy around! Three cheers for Mr. Slug!
Oh sign me up for one of those-I am in need of some nuggle time! What a fantastic invention!
Do they come with a built in heating system?
~Hugs & Smiles~Tam!
Thanks for the comment! Your blog is adorable Mr. Slug!
This will device looks like it will definitely replace those cumbersome electric blankets! (:
Will Dear Mr. Slug be hosting a Give-Away for one of those. Please sign me up!!
Can I send you my slugs?
"Mrs. Slug", I'm glad that you liked my blog. I hope that each of my words fall on you like a grain of salt.
thanks for dropping by today. I like your pages or say your blog, I find it unique.
Kiss and hug!!!!!!!
Thanks for the comment! It's great that people are finding my blog.
The eggs are completely raw inside. Apparently, they are supposed to dry up inside in a couple of years, but until then, you have to be really careful with them. A few people in the group tried to blow out the eggs before waxing and dying, but then they were too fragile to stand up to the heating of the process and would break.
Thanks again!
Thanks for stopping by my blog - nice to 'meet you' Mrs. Slug!
Lucy x
Hi Mrs Slug thanks for the encouragement re my bag making "obsession". Nice to "meet" such a charming blogger, the world needs more like you :)
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