Mr. and Mrs. Slug have returned from a vacation is sunny Los Angeles where they enjoyed sliding around the Rose Bowl for excercize and increased mental sharpness. Mr. Slug has made an agreement with his Mrs. Slug that they should try to get up earlier in the morning, which is difficult to do when they both like to read books into the wee hours of the evening! This practice must be stopped and replaced with the new plan of attack, a simultaneous flopping of the bellies into the bed at a decent hour! The revolt begins! Set the alarm for 7:00!
I think I should follow the Slug's advice!
I think if it's going to be a rainy evening, the Slugs should sleep in a little longer in the morning. They're going to be "sluggin' it" in the garden after sundown until the wee hours! Also, one night a week Mr. Slug will want to be up late in order to watch "Slugfest" on tv, and Mrs. Slug will probably watch it with him for company.
Mrs. Slug just read the book "Who moved my cheese" and has decided to slide forward into her day as eagerly as possible, even if the day brings change and more sliding about than she is used to doing. I think it is wonderful that you should follow the Slug's advice! Bravo to you!
I like the way you think. A good morning snuggle is in order for all sleeping slugs. We slugs are constantly "sluggin' it" in the garden, it is time to set that alarm clock to a later hour and tell it who's the boss around here! I want my........ I want my......... I want my slug TV! Let the slugfest begin! Yes, Mrs. Slug intends to join Mr. Slug for a televised repast!
Dear Mrs Slug,
I think you are wise and erudite slugs indeed if you can quote at will that most famous of slug philosophers Benjaslide Franklin... And another quote attributed to his honorable being is :
"Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry, all things easy. He that rises late must trot all day, and shall scarce overtake his business at night, while laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him."
Hear, hear for slippery sliding for slugs that poverty should not overtake them !!!
What is this early you speak of?
And as you have realized by now, I'm quite curious about some of the more practical aspects of slugs' lives... and when you mentioned slugs flopping down in bed for the night, I couldn't help but wonder, my goodness, how on earth do slugs manage to keep their sheets clean ??? Gosh, all that slippery slug slime and all... are there maybe disposable sheets for slugs ? just toss them in the morning and spread out a new pair at night ??? Oh, please excuse me for being so... curious...
This evening Mr. Slug and I witnessed a slug out in the backyard who had taken a slide up to the top rung of a ladder. He must have read your quote by Benjaslide Franklin! I hope that OSHA safety inspectors will not pop in to see him, as we all know how dangerous it can be to step on to the top rung of a non-extension ladder. The thought of a slug doing any kind of trotting is a puzzlement - but trot he must if he expects to climb that ladder of success!
Mista Jaycee,
This early I speak of is the tail end of the cocktail hour for some, and the dawn breakfast for others. For Mr. Slug, it is the secret to his future millions.$$$! Thank you for your snappy inquiry!
Ahhhh, yes. The sheets. Slugs are quite careful with thier linens. Although quite conventional in many ways, slug linens are "treated" with a proprietary compound for slug comfort, the recipe of which cannot be divulged without fear of serious consequence. Suffice to say, like all living creatures, slugs must change their linen regularly. Mr. Slug is quite particular about his bedding, and certainly would not be caught dead on blended sheets, unless it was cotton blended with the silk, for we all know that these are nutritious fibers.
Many thanks for those clarifications... ! Am off to bed laughing heartily ! Proprietary slug compounds for slug comfort indeed ! You open whole new worlds to us poor slug-ignorant people...
Hello there babbler
Delwyn here,
you certainly have been usurped by you alter sluggy egos....
Do you know Blogger Friko?
Today she posted the nighttime nuptials of slugs and while slimy it was fascinating stuff....
If you don't know her pop back and take her off my list....
Happy days
I wanted to thank you for your kind words on my blog! It sounds a bit strange but i just don't know how to make my blog public. How did you do that? And how did you find me?
Your blog looks great too, love the concept with the slug!
Hi Mrs. Slug~
I left you a note at my place, but wanted to tell you anout friko's slug post as it ties in with this particular one of yours! I suggested that Friko visit you, but I see Delwyn's already told you about her. As she didn't leave her address, here it is: www.frikosmusings.blogspot.com.
Love, Margaret
I've just found your blog. This is quite possibly the cutest thing I've ever saw. :) I've drawn on paper towling as long as I can remember...it's just nicer than drawing on paper somehow. I'm glad to see that someone else does the same, and has made something wonderful out of it!
Have a great day, and feel free to drop by my blog if you have a moment. :)
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