As much as Mr. Lunchbox does not like being reprimanded by his superiors, he especially does not like having to discipline his own workers. There has been a rash of "workplace infractions" of late, so Mr. Lunchbox is going to make sure that what happens in his department, stays in his department. That's right! Don't gossip about how you saw two wayward icepacks last night, wearing the company uniform along with lampshades for hats stumbling and giggling as they slid down Main Street! You saw nothing! If the higher brass (A.K.A. Mr. Slug the boss!) finds out about this latest affront to the company policy, it could have an adverse effect upon the entire stack of employee Christmas bonuses. Keep that zipper lipped!
Oh dear, Mr Lunchbox looks positively vicious with those rows of rather sharp looking teeth he seems to have sprouted... hopefully the repentant workers won't be too savagely gnawed on. Ahh yes, in the realm of slugs, better I think to appear viscous than vicious...
And I still can't get over your praise the other day... the image of all those slugs waving their tails in the breeze... priceless...
I promise to make every effort to strive for reaching new lower and lower lows, the better for being seen from a slug's point of view...
Saw your comment over on LaurainNJ's blog. We lived in Bandon on the beach for a year and traveled all up and down the coast. She has nice pictures and stories of the East coast but you ain't been to the coast until you've been to Oregon! Lucky you!
thanks for stopping by my skywatch post.
You have the best sense of humor... thanks for the laughs here at your place!
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Why am I warming to my garden nemesis's now....!?
Be good to your boss,
and don't make him cross
by turning yourselves into lushes
Feel lucky to stay
in your cooler today...
if you don't, you'll turn into slushes
PS -- Thanks for the words on my Grandmother's memorial... very thoughtful of you.
I thank all of you,
an upstanding crew,
for on deep dark despair I bordered
Warm pink and fluffy hugs
from all of you slugs
is just what the dear doctor ordered
Dear Slug Family,
You left a comment on Mark's Melon, and this is how I found your blog. I'm the alpha male sock monkey who lives at Mark's house. I think you might enjoy my blog when you have a chance, Big Monkey's House.
Hmmm, I'm starting to wonder, do slugs go into hibernation when the weather starts getting chilly ?
May you be warm with a good thick mantle around you as the winter comes to visit... Happy Sliding !
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