The morning started out nicely enough. The sun was shining, the birds were singing. Everything was right with the world, when suddenly, Mrs. Slug heard a faint cry coming from the other side of the house. When she arrived at the scene, Mr. Slug was doubled up, groaning and looking rather strained. He said, "It's an old injury from an incident that involved a car that hit me from behind. My tail has a muscle spasm every now and then." Seeing the agony that her dear husband slug was in, she immediately sprung into action, and within minutes, Mr. Slug was fit as a fiddle and dancing a jig!
Mrs. Slug has a theory that Mr. Slug needs more potassium in his diet, and thereby should eat more bananas. Mr. Slug begs to differ. He has a theory that he needs more ice cream, and that Mrs. Slug should run out to the store and purchase the flavor of his choice so this kind of thing won't happen again!