What used to take an hour or two now has become an all day affair! At least all receipts have been found lurking in the glove box of the car or the back of the writing desk and Mrs. Slugs purses (that are last years fashion), hanging in the closet getting dusty. Now we can get down to the nitty gritty! Smile as you prepare your 2009 taxes, and don't forget, it all goes to a good cause. Now get out that pen and start writing some checks, or you might end up with a Mr. Clampy attached to your tail! After the taxes are paid, Mrs. Slug has decided to dust off her purses and give them another run, especially that cute pink handbag with the clasp that goes "Snap" real loud when you close it.
Oh I love purses that have clasps that go "snap"!!! But I don't like the tax man! :( Good luck Sluggy's!
Eeeewwww...the tax man. Boo!! But purses--love them!!
Barb I did it I made a lin from my page to yours! YaY!!! Go check out Yakiddyyakyak and see! I will get it on Apple Creek tomorrow! I'm so excited!
It was a ton of fun to talk to you tonight! Hope you have an awesome Thursday! Talk to you soon!~Tam :D
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Slug,
Good luck with the tax man.
If you don't like what he has to say then you'll need to have your passports up to date and ready to go.
hehe so u draw this everyday for your lover, :) that is so so great, sweet and genious
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