It seems that slugs everywhere have been forced to work harder than they have ever worked, that is, if they are lucky enough to have a paying situation. If you are the "Boss", that is, an employer of slugs, you must remember to reward your best employees with incentives to keep those sluggy minds lively and supple. They must be ready to rock and roll and be the best at what they do. Mr. Slug has a business tip for you: "Begin your day with some light sliding, and then make a few phone calls to some prospective buyers to set the tone for a productive and profitable day. I see a glimmer of hope on the financial horizon! Set the dial on high! Warm those bellies! Look lively you slugs! Sell! Sell!" (This motivational message paid for by the Belly Baker Corporation of HamHock Valley, Oregon)
Looks like a slugfest to me!
Thanks for the visit and comment. Your addition to my Verse And Worse post was amazing!
Go slugs!! Sale! Sale! Sale!
This little jingle may help with motivating the slug troops - -
Sale sale sale your stuff
Gently down the trail
Sale sale sale Sale
life is but a sale!
(Sing to the tune of Row Row Row your boat) ...
Funny stuff Mrs. Slug :) ....
I'm glad to see they are getting a little rest... the work week in not over yet. Hang in there slugs! And I'm also glad I could help with the idea.
Ooh, a Sluggie Spa. Hmmm, sounds relaxing, I think. Glad to hear your forecast on the current financial crisis. I feel much better. And I like Boss Slug's philosophy. Reward the hard workers. What a concept! If only more employers felt that way.
I could use a nice Sluggie Facial. Do they offer that at the spa?
Dear kmbrco, yes, sluggy facials are available, but they will be performed manually as the belly warmer 1000 has been deemed unsafe for facial use.
Thank you for the nice comment in my blog!
are there massages in the Sluggie SPA? I have a secret dream: a Slug Massage
Hello to all my Dear friends at Slug's rest!!! I am so happy you had a day of pampering-lucky slug's! It is a chilly day here today and may even get some spring snow-again! Gene hasn't been feeling so well yet. He will be getting some more test done a week from this Tue. there may be more wrong then first thought. :( Keep us in your prayers! Still no news on the new job position either, hope to know more about everything in a couple of weeks. Sooo we are in limbo land for the time being. Lets have a chat on the tellie sometime next week when you are free-call me! Miss ya-Hugs & Smiles~Love Ya Tam!
A warm slug,is a happy slug.Go you forth slugsters and relax in a big way.Have those kinks rubbed out and melted into a smoothie.
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