Mr. Slug had big plans to entertain a few of his friends on his boat over the Memorial Day Weekend until he read an inter office memo that stated "All slugs shall report to work on Memorial Day Weekend - No Exceptions." Visions of a nice barbeque near the water with the sounds of clinking glasses with festive beverages faded from his mind. In place of these wonderful images were scenes of slugs all chained together on the side of the road with shovels and a mean looking boss wearing mirrored sunglasses holding a bullwhip. At least there are still sick days if you are well enough to enjoy them!
The signs are so good, they have to work! Imagine a slug revolt? Production would be disrupted for a long time!
Margaret - I would not want to see what would happen if these slugs started to revolt. At least they are having an orderly demonstration. As you know, slugs like to work hard, and slide hard! They need a break once in awhile. The weekend will be over and they will calm down eventually! Thanks for your comment! Love, Mrs. Slug
I am right there with them. I had to work Sat. but at least I am off today and tomorrow!
Have a happy and safe holiday!
Hey Mrs Slug
Love your site it's brilliant. It has had me chuckling all afternoon :)
I'm with Margaret, perhaps the time of a slug revolt is drawing nigh. Too many slugs have been forced out of their burrows by slug-prime loans, and are being forced to moonlight (well that sort of comes natural I guess) and to work on slug-fest weekends. No, there is only so much self respecting slugs can take from such slug drivers...
I'm not sure the worldwide slug community has realized how much power they could wield in their vast numbers with a little organization... they could rise up en masse and suffocate offending abusers of slugs under a thick coat of slug slime... Movies would be made about it : The Night Of the Sliming Slugs
Having said that, the toad community wishes you well, even if silently subversive slug thoughts on slug-blogs are the only course of action possible... :-D
Awww darn those mean bosses anyways! I suspect the quality of work could be hindered at a time like this?
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