Mr. Lunchbox and Mr. Thermos were rounded up with a group of drunk slugs amid the chaos of the New Years festivities. This is their story and they are sticking to it:
Messrs. Lunchbox and Thermos had used a cellphone to call a dial-a-ride service and were pleased when a big white van showed up so quickly to take them home. The rear doors were open wide and the nice attendants even helped them in and told them to take a seat toward the front. They fell asleep on the ride home......but they did not go home! They were rudely awakened by the sound of police whistles and voices telling them to exit the vehicle in a single file line....it was then that they realized it was a paddywagon filled with drunk and disorderly slugs who had been participating in the yearly "Sliding of the slugs" under the New Years Ball Drop in Times Square. The two scofflaws were handleprinted and booked along with the pointy hatted, rowdy and raucus slugs. Only a few hours had passed when Mr. Thermos decided to slip through the bars of the jail cell! He was the only prisoner thin enough to fit between them without scratching his flawless stainless steel outer shell, perfect for drinks both hot, and cold. The slugs might have been able to squeeze through as well, had they not been slow and puffy from a night of drinking.
Mr. Lunchbox was not happy about being left behind and voiced his displeasure loudly, which in turn alerted the guards to the AWOL prisoner. Mr. Thermos clanked down the hallway and shouldered past the guard to freedom! He promptly called a couple of wealthy Thermos friends who in turn paid the bail bondsman, thus Mr. Lunchbox was "sprung" shortly thereafter.
The brazen duo vowed to stay home and quietly watch the ball drop on TV next year.
Drunk slugs that can't tell a paddywagon from a dial-a-ride van deserve to spend the night in the slug slammer with the other slimy slugs.
Well it looks like I should've included Mr. Thermos and Mr. Lunchbox in my comment on the last post. lol
Dear Mrs Slug !
I can see you have been busily sliding and posting and wagging that slippery tail of yours !!! Oh my, I was away for a few days of much needed rest and recuperation, and I see that you have been a busy slug indeed...
And no end of delightful episodes to be found here. Getting hauled off to jail cannot be fun for anyone, I hope nothing serious resulted from all of that...
Thank you so much for the silvery shine of slime trails that you've left so kindly in my comment box these past days, and may you and Mr Slug have the most excellent of years ahead in 2010, may produce trucks overturn near your abode, spilling entire cargoes of lettuce and carrot greens and spinach and everything that slugs love to nibble. It has been a pure pleasure getting to know you over the past months, am looking forward to more fun in the months ahead...
hello. How are U this year? where is my ombrella? Brian is in the garden, my mother in the kitchen. lot of kisses fot M. an Miss from llo for 2010. Bye. :-)
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