Just like the famed running of the bulls in Pamplona, slugs have a tradition that they like to take part in every year. It is the sliding of the slugs in Times Square New York. You see, the slugs gather together at a local pub to "prime" themselves, then they don brightly colored hats and blow loud noisemakers and proceed to slide directly under the sparkly ball as it drops for the New Years Countdown. As you can see, this practice is dangerous and foolhardy, not to mention highly illegal! The local gendarme was not pleased to find a wild group of slugs under the ball once again this year! The policeslug blew his whistle! The slugs scattered in all directions as the ball began it's descent toward the tender tails. A paddy wagon was brought in to round up the slugs and take them to safety before any of them got squished. They were taken to the police station and tailprinted, booked and lodged for the evening.
Omigosh, that DOES sound dangerous!Here in CandyCane city, most of the citizens manage to stay sober until they get home, so we've never experienced anythig like that before.
Hope Mr. Slug didn't get caught up in any of that mess! Happy 2010!
Hahahahha, the slugs are soo cute!
Happy New Year, Mrs. Slug!
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