Even though the stores are full of shoppers, they are not necessarily buying up everything in sight as they have in years past. You can cut a fine deal on the overstock, but you need to be willing to take it home a little shopworn. Here's a helpful holiday tip for you: Add a little moisture to those slugs and they will be perfectly servicable!
Oh my gosh I love you guys-that is so funny! I just got home a little bit ago finally doing my santa shopping-whew! I am pretty much done-all in one night-well maybe I need a little something else? HHHmmm....but we don't have any fresh or stale slugs here where I live-whats a girl to do! LOL!
Love-hugs-and smiles-Tam!
Babbler, thanks for stopping by Photo Potpourri. I hope you weren't too disappointed that the blog had been underrepresented in the slug department, but now that you've left your slugprints, the world will forever regard it as one giant leap for slugkind! I liked the seagull photo; I never picture Oregon as having snow (seagulls, sure, but snow?), but I guess your photo proves it happens. Do the slugs run for cover when snow comes?
Take care; I'll get "reacquainted" with the slugs in Indy next spring when the garden plants start taking shape, and I'll pass along regards on your behalf.
Your slugs are just tooOOoo funny! I love to see what will happen next in their world. ...the slapping machine... LOL!
I have been a bit of a slug myself this week finishing up the holiday shopping, figuring that most of the squirrels have buried and saved their gifts from last year. Nonetheless we soldier onward, singing Christmas carols and engaging in random chatter.
Happy Sluggadays To YOU!
Hello Mrs. Slug (a.k.a. Barb)- how kind of you to comment on my blog! I love to hear from those who found me and how. You have some very funny cartoons here. What a treat for Mr. Slug each day! Thank you for finding me and for writing such a novel and entertaining blog.
Enjoy the day!
Erin, TesoriTrovati
Thanks for the comment! I hope you find time for some of the wonderful traditions! Merry Christmas!
I am so glad you stopped by my blog so I can find yours! How much fun...I love your humor and what fun slugs! We've got stories about two little worms that we tell with the kids...
those are great! I'll be back to visit lots!
Thought you might enjoy today's prompt. :)
Your creativity is amazing! (Especially so early in the morning!) I am so glad the slug chronicles have been saved and are being archived! You are a warm, beautiful person. Thank you for your comments. I look forward to more slug adventures!!
Thank you for your visit and kind comment, Mrs. Slug. My art is all nice and shiny from your trail. May your holidays be free of rogue salt.
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