Mr. Slug Says, "Enjoy your free market and spend your money, buy yourself the finer things in life, (after all, you deserve it!)......and put on your dancing shoe!"
Never a boring moment! Life is to be savored on the face of a lunch napkin, drawn daily for years by a loving wife for her husband, Mr. Slug. Please visit and comment, the slugs welcome you to join in the fun!
Hey Sluggy's did you get my msg about the tagging? Yep your it! Come on over to my blog and see what the rules of the game are!
And have fun with it! LOL!
~Tam :D
I love the new shoe!
Such an interesting blog you have! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment! I haven't set up "followers" yet, but you can add me to your list of blogs you like and visit me that way (for now). You can see on my blog, I have a picture to go with each blog name that I like to visit - and then when the picture changes (which means a new post has been made), then I know to go look at the new post. Hope that helps. Would love for you to continue to stop by! ~Cheryl
OMG! I'm glad you stumbled upon my blog, cause now I got to read yours.
i LOVE the drawings!!! It's a great concept!
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